Sunday, September 11, 2005

discussion prompt

I've been thinking alot recently, and just want to discuss some things that sometimes befudle (love that word) me. ok here are a few questions i would like to have answered:

1. how does God view suicide?
2. why is cussing so wrong?
3. why is tolerence intollerable, and where would it go if followed through to conclusion?

if you have any ideas on the above, i would love to discuss them and get a few ideas! =)



frisbeegurl said...

Actually.. if you get the REAL translation of most of the cuss words, they don't have bad meanings.. People MADE them into bad meanings. As for suicide, I think God thinks it's wrong, I mean!! God created you.. He thinks you're beatiful and He loves you soo much.. By killing yourself you are destroying something He loves immensly.. So yeah.. that's what I think.. As for the third one.. I'll have to think about that more haha.. Nice questions!!

Anonymous said...

Can a mom answer>? I guess so...
1. Suicide. Suicide is murder, murder of oneself. So, based on the Ten Commandments, that would be a violation of God's Laws. However, usually when someone comes to the point of desperation like suicide, they are hopeless and listening to the lies of the Enemy. Think about it. Death is Satan's ultimate tool. When someone gets to this point, they are tottering on the edge of life, and they need someone to throw them a lifeline...give them love and truth in heavy doses...not judgement or condemnation.

2. Cussing wrong? I think of the Bible verse that says "let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth, only that which is edifying for the need of the moment". Before we get all "high" about how we don't cuss, we might still be guilty of saying things that are not edifying for the need of the moment. We can still cut with our words, or hurt others with their edge of sarcasm. That's why the book of James spends so much time talking about the power of the tongue. He writes that it possesses the power of "life and death". That is what our words and/or death to others.

Cussing to me is a form of pollution. It pollutes the social dynamics around a pollutes the standards of communication. Think about people that cuss. They usually are stuck in that cussing mode...and can't seem to express themselves in any profitable way. It is easy to cuss. It takes no creativity or intellectual prowess to cuss. You simply repeat the gutter language that you heard other people use.

Bri, I know why you put up these questions. You want people to think. That is something you highly value. But, can I suggest you only ask one question at a time? I can't even get to the third one either at this time, so maybe one heavy question at a time is enough.

I want you to tell people how insanely high the babysitting rate is...then they will all want to move out here!

Well, praying that you will always choose purity in an impure world.

Love you so much!

Your mom!

Anonymous said...

Can you delete postings you don't want?

(I'm not talking about mine, but these other random ones?)


Bri said...

haha..yeah guys the babysitting norm is $10 per hour. and if ther are more kids, it is like $12. Seriously, I got pais $30 to watch three little boys the other night for only 2 hours! and i am going tobabysit these cute little girls, and that night i will make like $80!! its crazy..not that i dislike it ;)

Anonymous said...

hey bri!!! how are you!!! i miss you soooooooooooooooo much!!! about the babysitting that is sooooooo cool that you get payed that much!!! i love babysitting!! if you go to my blog then you'll know that i stated babysitting at MOPS!! im babysitting 1 month- 10 month babies!!! its soooo much fun but its sooo tiring!! but i hope to hear from you soon!! can you tell me when you can talk like on the phone cause if you can i would really like to call you!! but if you cant then its ok i just really miss talking to you!! well i g2g ttyl, cya, Lya O:P

Herohtar said...

I don't agree that the "real translations" (whatever that is) of cuss words are not bad... all of the ones I have seen have bad meanings or origins. If you look at where they came from, they are all things I would think Christians should not be saying.

frisbeegurl said...

Never said it was ok to say them lol.. I think it's stupid.. and not a good thing to do.. But who am I to say that because.. I say things I shouldn't all of the time, the bible does say do not let ANY unwholsome word proceed from your mouth.. so yeah.. I mess that one up alot.. So yeah.. I'm NOT trying to say it's not wrong.. I was just pointing out the origons of the words are NOT wrong..

frisbeegurl said...

There's the word that derived simply from donkey.. people made that bad.. They all became bad because people made them bad..

Bri said...

cool! seems to be working