Tour was so amazing! I don't think many christians, let alone teens, get to experience good fellowship very often. There were so many times of worship, prayer, and just having fun relationship building times. The many hous we spent on the bus (there were 50+ hours I think) were so fun and excutiating all at the same time. I think I played Lock a total of something like 14 hours..more if you count all of the times we played for a few minutes here and we even got so tired and bored at Universal Studios that we played Lock and ERS for an hour and a half.

Stephan being eaten
We went to the San Diego (or san perverto..ask me some time) Zoo one day. I really cannot understand why there is such a big fuss about..its very clean and pretty for a zoo, but I didnt love it all that much. I got alot of realy good pictures that day however.

John in the middle

Sara and I

Jamaica in the middle
then of course the wonderful (sometimes) pictures of on the bus:

Jessi and I

John with some girly the purse that we bought with gold

Kenny and John in the back

andrew kissing kenny's fish
and of course the amazing, Squad Six! these guys were amazing. they were really a godly example to all the guys the entire time, and were just commited to being 6' tall gentlemen:

of course, david is doing something totally unrelated to taking the

Squad Six (Jacob, Stephan, Josh, John, and David)
Besides tour, we bought a house the day after I got home, and have beenn working on it none stop since then. David, Linda, the Borgerdings sp?, and John have been over here helping a lot, and we are still not done.
Dad is moving home sometime next weekend..Yay! Things will eb so different when he gets back..
i will post again whenever something exciting happens...
much love,
AHHH!!! You used the accursed "much love" ending!! Everyone is using it.... its... its irritating. especially how everyone is copying eachother.
Sounds great!
Oh my goodness.
Who cares? lol..i didn't know everyone was using that. hmm ok.
anyway, have you seen sara's blog recently? she updated about tour as well, and she has a great picture of josh. it makes me seriously laugh every time i look at it. he's special =)
Camp was awesome! I cant wait till i get some of the pictures from Kala. We spent at least and hour two nights in a row just taking awesome pictures. btw, your brother is crazy. he wrote me a
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